Kate Duggan Acupuncture & Naturopathy

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Cosmetic Acupuncture

I remember when I was first studying acupuncture in 2010 one of my classmates mentioned to me that there is such a thing as cosmetic / facial acupuncture and that this was a great alternative to botox. Back then, I’m not even sure that fillers were part of people’s vocabulary, they were certainly not something I was aware of. 

When my friend mentioned that acupuncture could be used in this way I have to admit to being quite shocked. My altruistic reasons for studying acupuncture, to assist people with physical and emotional healing, well cosmetic acupuncture just didn’t seem to fit. In fact to be perfectly honest, to me it felt shallow. 

Fast forward 12 years and I have to admit, this is now one of my favourite treatments to give. 

My fundamental values are still the same. I question why we feel the need to remain and look young. Ageing is a natural process and growing older is a privilege. Wrinkles being erased feels like erasing the history of someone’s life from their face, their laughter lines, their crying lines, their worry lines. Is it so bad to show to the world that, mid way through life, there have inevitably been ups and downs? Allow our faces to display the rollercoaster of life that connects as humans to one another? 

Bearing all that in mind, I am also 12 years older, with a good deal more of these natural lines myself!  I want to feel good and feeling like I look the best I can contributes to that. With maturity I understand that looking after my skin, going for a manicure or splurging on my hair does not make me shallow. It makes me feel good in a similar way that giving myself half an hour to read my book or going for a run makes me feel good. It is part of self care and self care is something I for one had to learn in my adult life. Showing up for myself allows me to show up for others. It also makes me happy. 

Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural and effective non invasive alternative to chemical treatments on the face such as fillers and botox with none of the longer term risks.  The treatment stimulates collagen and elastin in the skin which reduces the depth of wrinkles. Puffiness in the face is reduced and a healthy glow and firmness is achieved through the increase in oxygenation levels brought about by the needles. Cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic treatment. Needles are inserted into the body as well as the face, to ground the energy and promote relaxation.  The treatment starts with a gentle face massage and rosewater cleansing before tiny needles are inserted into the face, so small that many of these are inserted with a tweezer. The treatment is not at all painful and the needles remain in place for about 40 mins while you relax with soothing music in a dimly lit room. You will emerge with both skin and energy renewed. 

Cosmetic acupuncture is a great way to look good, feel good and gift yourself some care. You will be glad you tried it.