Kate Duggan Acupuncture & Naturopathy

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What is Acupuncture and can it help me?

Acupuncture is probably the best known type of Chinese Medicine treatment and is increasing in popularity as a complementary treatment for many conditions.  But what is it, where did it come from and does it work

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points.  It works by stimulating and balancing the energy in the body. In Chinese Medicine this energy is called Qi (pronounced chi).

The insertion of fine needles is used to rebalance the flow of energy, blood and fluids in the body and restore health. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is based on the principle of yin and yang. The symbol of yin and yang depicts perfect harmony and balance in the body which promotes natural healing and well being. 

Acupuncture texts refer to 12 main meridians or channels in the body which relate to 12 different organs.  When the acupuncturist has ascertained (by asking you lots of questions) which organs are out of balance in your body that are causing your symptoms, a point on the corresponding meridian or channel is chosen to insert the needle. The approach treats the whole person and seeks to find and treat the root cause as well as the symptoms.  This has the maximum impact on improved health and brings the body back into balance.

Where did acupuncture come from?

Acupuncture originated in China and is part of Chinese Medicine. In China and other countries that use acupuncture as part of their main healthcare system it is not only used as a reaction to illness and disease but is also used as preventative medicine to keep well.  In fact, in many parts of the world, it is your acupuncturist you will blame if you feel unwell!

The first indications of acupuncture go back to 6000BC but the first text which describes acupuncture as we know it now dates from around 100BC, making acupuncture over 2000 years old. In the Ming Dynasty from around 1300 to 1600, The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion was published and this forms the basis of modern acupuncture. This text describes the full set of 365 points on the 12 meridians which modify the flow of qi.

Does acupuncture work?

There is a lot of research supporting the fact that acupuncture works for a great variety of conditions. The World Health Organisation (WHO) list a number of conditions proven through controlled clinical trials to be responsive to acupuncture, as well as those for which therapeutic effect has been shown but further proof is needed in order to be scientifically recommended (http://digicollection.org/hss/en/d/Js4926e/5.html).

As an acupuncturist, I see first hand every day how well acupuncture works for all types of conditions.  If you are considering acupuncture, make sure you choose a practitioner who is registered with a professional association (in Ireland that is the AFPI or ACI).  This confirms their qualification as well as ensuring they keep their knowledge up to date with professional development courses throughout the year and also means that you can claim from your health insurance company if you have cover.

Should you try it?  Why not?  You have nothing to lose and plenty to gain.